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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • They must be typed in .doc or .rtf extension, Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced throughout the document (including tables), with 2.5 cm margins and left alignment. All pages must be numbered in the upper right corner. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms as much as possible. In certain cases, it is suggested that in the first appearance in the text, the abbreviation and / or acronym in parentheses should be spelled out. Example: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Ethical considerations: mention the name of the Ethics Committee that approved the project. Informations that can identify a person participating in a survey should not be published. It should be clarified that the research was carried out according to the criteria established by the Declaration of Helsinki with its modifications (Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79:373-374). The manuscript must contain the following structure:
  • References and citations must be standardized in the Vancouver style. All authors and works cited in the text must be included in this section and vice versa. Number the references in order of entry and use these numbers for citations in the text. Avoid excessive number of references, selecting the most relevant for each statement and giving preference to the most recent works. Do not use citations that are difficult to access, such as abstracts of papers presented in congresses, theses or publications with restricted circulation (not indexed). Do not use references such as "unpublished observations" and "personal communication". Articles accepted for publication can be cited accompanied by the expression: "accepted and awaiting publication" or "in press", indicating periodical, volume and year. Papers accepted by journals that are available online, but with no indication of issues and pages, should be cited as "ahead of print".
    Other authors' publications (self-citation) should be used only if there is a clear need and are related to the topic. In this case, include among the bibliographical references only original works published in regular journals (do not quote chapters or reviews). The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data contained in the bibliographic references.
    For all references, quote the authors up to the sixth. If there are more than six authors, mention the first six, followed by the expression et al.
  • The text of original articles is usually, but not necessarily, divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion. These sections may include sub-items, when appropriate. The other types of articles do not need to follow this structure.
    - Introduction: The introduction must contain the presentation of the problem and the purpose of the study. Cite only strictly pertinent references.
    - Material and Methods: clear and precise description of the methodology used, including the selection of the participating individuals. The methods and procedures must be described in detail to allow replication by other professionals. Describe the statistical methods in sufficient detail to verify the results achieved. Present quantitative data, when appropriate, with appropriate indicators of margin of error or reliability. Do not put only the p-values, as it omits important quantitative information. Set the exact p values ​​up to p <0.001. Indicate which statistical programs were used.
    - Results: Present the results in a logical sequence. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations, only the most relevant observations. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with a lot of data. Do not repeat data in graphs and tables. Decrease tables and figures to only those necessary.
    - Discussion: Highlight the new and important aspects. Relate the results observed to those of other studies with their implications and limitations. Do not repeat the Results data in detail.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts must be written in English.

They must be typed in .doc or .rtf extension, Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced throughout the document (including tables), with 2.5 cm margins and left alignment. All pages must be numbered in the upper right corner. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms as much as possible. In certain cases, it is suggested that in the first appearance in the text, the abbreviation and / or acronym in parentheses should be spelled out. Example: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).
 Ethical considerations: mention the name of the Ethics Committee that approved the project. Informations that can identify a person participating in a survey should not be published. It should be clarified that the research was carried out according to the criteria established by the Declaration of Helsinki with its modifications (Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79:373-374). The manuscript must contain the following structure:

  1. Cover page; 2. Summary; 3. Text; 4. Acknowledgments; 5. Bibliographic references; 6. Tables with titles and captions; 7. Figures with titles and captions.

Cover page
The cover page should include:

  • Full title in English;
  • Names of authors and co-authors in direct order and without abbreviations, with their highest graduations, with institutional affiliations and contact information (email). Institutional affiliation refers to the institution where each author carries out an activity / function and which activity / function is this;
  • Name and full address (with telephone number, fax and e-mail) of the author responsible for correspondence;
  • Title summarized in English (maximum 40 characters including letters and spaces).

The title of the manuscript must be clear and concise. The order of the authors must be a joint decision of the co-authors.

Abstract and Keywords

  • The abstract must be written in English (Abstract) with a maximum of 200 words. The abstract of Original Articles must be structured containing the sections Objective, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. The summary must contain the objectives, basic procedures of the methodology and the main conclusions.
  • The keywords must come immediately below the abstract and be separated by a point. List three to ten descriptors.
  • Short communications abstracts must have a maximum of 100 words. Letters to the editor do not need an abstract.

The text of original articles is usually, but not necessarily, divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion. These sections may include sub-items, when appropriate. The other types of articles do not need to follow this structure.

  1. Introduction: The introduction must contain the presentation of the problem and the purpose of the study. Cite only strictly pertinent references.
  2. Material and Methods: clear and precise description of the methodology used, including the selection of the participating individuals. The methods and procedures must be described in detail to allow replication by other professionals. Describe the statistical methods in sufficient detail to verify the results achieved. Present quantitative data, when appropriate, with appropriate indicators of margin of error or reliability. Do not put only the p-values, as it omits important quantitative information. Set the exact p values ​​up to p <0.001. Indicate which statistical programs were used.
  3. Results: Present the results in a logical sequence. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations, only the most relevant observations. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with a lot of data. Do not repeat data in graphs and tables. Decrease tables and figures to only those necessary.
  4. Discussion: Highlight the new and important aspects. Relate the results observed to those of other studies with their implications and limitations. Do not repeat the Results data in detail.


Acknowledgments must contain contributions from people who do not justify their inclusion as an author, acknowledgments for technical and economic assistance and relationships that represent possible conflicts of interest.


References and citations must be standardized in the Vancouver style. All authors and works cited in the text must be included in this section and vice versa. Number the references in order of entry and use these numbers for citations in the text. Avoid excessive number of references, selecting the most relevant for each statement and giving preference to the most recent works. Do not use citations that are difficult to access, such as abstracts of papers presented in congresses, theses or publications with restricted circulation (not indexed). Do not use references such as "unpublished observations" and "personal communication". Articles accepted for publication can be cited accompanied by the expression: "accepted and awaiting publication" or "in press", indicating periodical, volume and year. Papers accepted by journals that are available online, but with no indication of issues and pages, should be cited as "ahead of print".

Other authors' publications (self-citation) should be used only if there is a clear need and are related to the topic. In this case, include among the bibliographical references only original works published in regular journals (do not quote chapters or reviews). The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data contained in the bibliographic references. & n bsp;

For all references, quote the authors up to the sixth. If there are more than six authors, mention the first six, followed by the expression et al.

Tables and Figures

Tables must be prepared using the Word program. Graphs prepared in the Microsoft Office / Excel program must be sent in the original format of that program. Figures can be made in Microsoft Office / Excel, Corel Draw or Harvard Grafics programs, in BMP, JPG or TIFF format. Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and have a brief and concise title. The authoring source of the tables, charts, figures and graphs must be informed. Present each tab and figure it on a separate page. Mention all tables and figures in the text. In the tables, give a title to each column. Do not place horizontal or vertical internal lines. Put explanatory notes at the bottom. Use these symbols in the following order: *, +, §, **, ++, §§, *** etc.

Citations in the text:

they must be accompanied by the corresponding number, in exponent or superscript, following the numerical sequence of the quote in the text that appears for the first time. Parentheses, brackets and the like should not be used. Only citations from indexed journals or, in the case of books, that have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) registration will be accepted.

The author (s) of the manuscript are responsible for the accuracy of the references in the list and the correct citation in the text.

Letters to the editor will be published that may contribute with additional information on articles already published in the journal in previous issues and volumes. Letters with suggestions for improvement for health care and research will also be published.

Original research articles in health area will be published in this section.

Review articles on a specific topic (only at the invitation of the editors) in ​​health area with the latest available scientific evidence will be accepted.

Opinion articles limited to 1500 words.

Opinion articles on specific topics (by invitation of the editor).

Assistance protocols in health area that represent guidelines and operational procedures of specialized services will be accepted.

Case reports and case series of rare diseases or whose conduct and prognosis are outside the expected standard scope will be accepted. Reports that can contribute to health care practice.

Privacy Statement

Declaration Transfer of Copyright

The author (s) hereby declare that the article entitled “TITLE OF THE ARTICLE” sent to the committee editorial of the Journal of bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy is an original work, which has not been published or is being considered for publication in another magazine, whether in printed or electronic format.

The author (s) of the manuscript, mentioned above, also declare that:

  1. They participated sufficiently in the work to make their responsibility for the content public.

  2. The use of any trademark or copyright within the manuscript has been credited to its owner or permission to use the name has been granted, if necessary.

  3. Submission of the original sent to the Journal of bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy implies the transfer of print and digital publication rights.

The original declaration must be signed, dated and sent by e-mail: (

Note: All persons listed as authors must sign this declaration. Declarations signed by third parties will not be accepted.


Privacy Policy for readers

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.